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词汇 bang
bangbang1 /bæŋ /


[intransitive, transitive]
  1. to make a loud noise by hitting something hard, closing something, or putting something down猛砸;砰地关上;砰地一摔The man downstairs banged on his ceiling to complain about the noise.楼下男子猛敲天花板,对噪音表示不满。Somewhere in the house, I heard a door bang.我听到房子里有扇门砰的一声关上了。She stormed out of the room, banging the door behind her.她气呼呼冲出房间,身后把门砰地一关。He banged his fist on the table and started shouting.他砰地一拳砸在桌子上,开始嚷嚷起来。
  1. to knock against something by accident不小心撞上;不小心磕到As I was crossing the room in the dark, I banged into a table.我摸黑走过房间时,撞上了桌子。Be careful not to bang your head on the ceiling. It's pretty low.屋顶挺低的,小心别把头碰着。
bang sth up (informal) to damage something by knocking it against something else撞坏I banged up my knee when I fell off my bike.我从自行车上摔下,撞坏了膝盖。

bangbang2 /bæŋ /


  1. a sudden, short, very loud noise突然而短促的巨响Witnesses heard three loud bangs and saw the gunman run down an alley.目击者听见三声巨响,看到枪手沿着小巷跑掉了。
  1. a short, strong knock or hit猛敲;猛击Give the nail a couple of bangs with the hammer.用锤子猛敲几下钉子。
  1. bangs [plural] the part of your hair that is cut so that it hangs over the front of your head above your eyes (your forehead)刘海
bang for your buck (informal) used to describe how much value you get for the money you spend钱花得合算;物有所值Customers are asking for more bang for their buck.顾客都希望物超所值。get a bang out of sth (informal) to enjoy something very much(从…中)获得乐趣,感到愉快I get a real bang out of Larry's jokes!拉里的笑话把我乐坏了!go (off) with a bangin a successful or exciting way非常成功;令人激动The party went off with a bang.聚会十分成功。

bangbang3 /bæŋ /


used to sound like the noise of a gun, etc.(表示枪声等)砰,啪The kids ran around with toy guns, shouting, “Bang! Bang!孩子们拿着玩具枪跑来跑去,喊着“砰!砰!”




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