

词汇 clash
clashclash1 /klæʃ /


  1. [intransitive] clash (with sb) (over sth) to fight or disagree seriously about something冲突;争执A group of demonstrators clashed with police.一群示威者和警方发生了冲突。Congress and the president have clashed again over defense cuts.国会和总统又一次在削减国防开支问题上意见冲突。
  1. [intransitive] clash (with sth) (used about colors, etc.) to not match or look nice together(颜色等)不搭配,不协调I don't think you should wear that tie it clashes with your shirt.我觉得你不应该戴那条领带,和你的衬衫不搭配。
  1. [intransitive, transitive](used about two metal objects) to hit together with a loud noise; to cause two metal objects to do this(金属)撞击出巨大声响;使(金属)咣当作响Their swords clashed.他们的剑击得铿锵作响。

clashclash2 /klæʃ /


  1. a fight or serious disagreement争执;冲突a clash between police and demonstrators警方与示威者之间的冲突
  1. a big difference巨大分歧;明显差异a clash of opinions意见分歧There was a personality clash between the two men.这两人性格不合。
  1. a loud noise, made by two metal objects hitting each other(金属的)撞击声,咣当声the clash of cymbals铙钹的敲击声




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