

词汇 freeze
🔑freezefreeze1 /friz /


(past tense froze /froʊz / , past participle fro·zen /ˈfroʊzn /)
become ice结冰
  1. [intransitive, transitive] (physics物理) to become hard (and often change into ice) because of extreme cold; to make something do this(使)冻结,结冰Water freezes at 32° Fahrenheit.水在 32 华氏度结冰。Leave the heat on when you're away or the pipes will freeze.你不在的时候把暖气开着,否则管子会结冰的。The ground is frozen solid.地面都冻硬了。I froze the raspberries that we picked.我把我们摘的山莓冷冻起来了。Raspberries freeze well.山莓适宜冷藏。frozen peas冷冻豌豆
of weather天气
  1. [intransitive] used with “it” to describe extremely cold weather, when water turns into ice(与 it 连用)冰冻,严寒I think it's going to freeze tonight.我看今夜会冷得结冰。
be very cold极冷
  1. [intransitive, transitive](to cause a person) to be very cold or to die from cold受冻;(使)冻僵;(使)冻死The two men froze to death on the mountain.那两个人在山上冻死了。Turn the heat up a little my hands are frozen.把暖气开大点,我的手冻僵了。
stop moving停住
  1. [intransitive] to stop suddenly or become still突然停住;一动不动The terrible scream made her freeze with terror.那声恐怖的尖叫把她吓呆了。“Freeze! shouted the gunman and everyone stood completely still.“不许动!”枪手大声喊道,大家都一动不动地站在那里。
salaries / prices薪水;价格
  1. [transitive] (business商业) to keep salaries, prices, etc. at a fixed level for a certain period of time冻结(薪水、物价等)Defense spending has been frozen for one year.国防开支已经冻结一年。

freezefreeze2 /friz /


  1. (physics物理) a period of weather when the temperature stays below 0°C or 32°F (freezing point)冰冻期;严寒期
  1. (business商业) the fixing of salaries, prices, etc. at one level for a certain period of time(薪水、物价等的)维持不变a pay / price freeze薪水/物价保持不变




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