

词汇 draw
🔑drawdraw1 /drɔ /


(past tense drew /dru / , past participle drawn /drɔn /)
make pictures绘画
  1. [intransitive, transitive] (art美术) to make a picture or diagram of something with a pencil, pen, etc.(用铅笔、钢笔等)画,绘画,绘图I'll draw you a map of how to get there.我来给你画张去那儿的路线图。
  1. [transitive] draw sth out of / from sth to pull something smoothly out of its present position拖动;拉动;抽出She drew the letter out of her pocket and handed it to me.她从衣兜里掏出信递给我。
  1. [transitive] to pull someone or something gently into a new position牵引;拉着He drew me by the hand into the room.他拉着我的手进了房间。
  1. [transitive](used about horses, etc.) to pull something along(马等)拉,拖(某物)The carriage was drawn by six horses.那辆车是由六匹马拉的。
  1. [transitive] to close curtains拉上(窗帘、帘子)I couldn't see inside the window because the curtains were drawn.我看不到窗户里面,因为窗帘拉上了。
  1. [transitive] to quickly pull a gun, knife, or other weapon out of its container, in order to attack someone拔出;抽出;掏出The police officer drew his gun.警官拔出了枪。
  1. [intransitive] (formal) to move in the direction mentioned(向某方向)移动,行进The President's limousine drew into / out of the White House grounds.总统的豪华轿车驶进/驶出了白宫范围。
get information / reaction得到消息;引起反应
  1. [transitive] draw sth from sb / sth to gain something from someone or something(从…中)获得,得到This information has been drawn from a number of sources.这一消息得自多个渠道。
  1. [transitive] draw sth (from sb) to produce a reaction or response to the thing mentioned引起(反应);产生(反响)The advertisement has drawn interest from people all over the country.广告引起了全国各地民众的兴趣。
  1. [transitive] draw sth (from sth) to learn something from study, experience, etc.(从研究、经验等中)得出,获得Can we draw any conclusions from this survey?我们从这一调查中能得出什么结论吗?
  1. [transitive] draw sb (to sb / sth) to attract or interest someone吸引;使感兴趣The musicians drew a fairly large crowd.这些音乐人吸引了一大群听众。
bring sth to sb's attentioncall / draw sb's attention to sthto make someone aware of something使某人注意到某事draw / make a distinction between A and B  look at distinctiondraw a blankto fail to find an answer无结果;一无所获Detectives investigating the case have drawn a blank so far.调查此案的警探迄今为止一无所获。draw a comparison / a parallelto show how two things compare or are similar对比;比较The program drew an interesting comparison between education in Japan and in North America.这个节目对日本和北美的教育进行了有趣的比较。bring sth / come / draw to an end(to cause something) to finish(使)终止,结束The summer is coming to an end.夏天快结束了。draw the line at sthto say “no” to something even though you are willing to be helpful in other ways底线就是不做某事;拒绝做I do most of the cooking but I draw the line at doing the dishes afterward!饭大多由我做,但饭后还让我洗碗可不行!draw strawsto decide something by chance抽签(决定某事)They drew straws to see who should stay behind.他们抽签决定谁该留下来。 draw sth outto make something take more time than usual or necessary拖拉;拉长There's no need to draw this discussion out any longer.没必要把讨论再拖拉下去了。draw up(used about a car, etc.) to drive up and stop in front of or near something(车辆等)开至…停下A police car drew up outside the building.一辆警车开到大楼外面停了下来。draw sth upto prepare a document, list, etc. and write it out拟订,制订,起草(文件、清单等)Our lawyer is going to draw up the contract.我们的律师将拟订合同。

drawdraw2 /drɔ /


  1. a person or thing that attracts interest or attention有吸引力的人(或事物)The young star is a big draw at the box office.那个年轻的明星有强大的票房号召力。
  1. (sport体育) a result of a game or competition in which both players or teams get the same score so that neither of them wins平局;和局The game ended in a draw.比赛以平局结束。 SYN tie
  1. = drawing (3)




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