

词汇 buck
buckbuck1 /bʌk /


  1. (informal) a dollar(一)美元Could you loan me a few bucks?可以借我几块钱吗?I paid 50 bucks for that thing!我花 50 块钱买了那么个玩意儿!
  1. a male deer or rabbit雄鹿;公兔➨ WORD BUILDING 词汇扩充A male deer is called a buck or, especially if it has fully grown antlers, a stag.公鹿称作 buck 或 stag,后者尤指鹿角完全长成的公鹿。The female is a doe, and a young deer is a fawn.母鹿称作 doe,小鹿称作 fawn。The meat from a deer is called venison.鹿肉称作 venison。
bang for your buck (informal) used to describe how much value you get for the money you spend钱花得合算;物有所值Customers are asking for more bang for their buck.顾客都希望物超所值。pass the buck (to sb)to make someone else responsible for a difficult situation把难题扔给(某人);把责任推卸给(某人)

buckbuck2 /bʌk /


  1. [intransitive, transitive](used about a horse) to jump into the air with all four feet off the ground, and sometimes throw a rider to the ground(马)四蹄跳起,跳起来把…摔下Wayne's horse suddenly bucked him off.韦恩的马突然四蹄腾空,把他摔了下来。a bucking bronco跃起的野马
  1. [transitive] to resist or oppose someone or something抵抗;反对Sales last month bucked the downward trend, rising by 5%.上月的销售额遏制住了下滑势头,上升了 5%。




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