

词汇 drain
draindrain1 /dreɪn /


a pipe or hole that dirty water, etc. goes down to be carried away排水管;下水道Just pour the rest of that stuff down the drain.就把那些剩下的东西倒进下水道吧。a drain on sb / sthsomething that uses up time, money, strength, etc.耗费时间、金钱或力气等的事物The cost of college tuition is a big drain on our budget.大学学费要花掉我们很大一部分预算。(go) down the drain (informal) (to be) wasted(被)浪费掉All that hard work has gone down the drain.所有的艰苦努力都白费了。

draindrain2 /dreɪn /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] to flow away; to make a liquid flow(使)流走,排出The sink's clogged the water won't drain away at all.洗涤池堵了,水根本流不出去。The mechanic drained the oil from the engine.机械工把发动机里的油排掉了。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to become dry as liquid flows away; to make something dry in this way(使)沥干;流光;排空Drain the spaghetti and serve.把意大利面条沥干,然后盛盘上桌。
  1. [transitive] to drink all the liquid (in a glass, etc.)喝干(装着水或饮料的杯子等)She drained her glass in one gulp.她端起杯子一饮而尽。
  1. [intransitive](used about a feeling) to become weaker and weaker until it disappears(感情)逐渐变弱,逐渐消失He felt his anger drain away.他感觉怒火逐渐平息下来。
  1. [transitive] drain sb / sth (of sth) to make someone or something weaker, poorer, etc. by slowly using all the strength, money, etc. available使(力气、金钱等)耗尽




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