

词汇 down
🔑downdown1 /daʊn /


  1. to or at a lower level or place向下;朝下;在下面We sat and watched the sun go down.我们坐下来看日落。Can you get that book down from the top shelf?你把顶层架子上的那本书拿下来好吗?“Where's Mary? “She's down in the basement.“玛丽在哪儿?”“她在地下室。” OPP up
  1. from a standing or vertical position to a sitting or horizontal one(坐、躺、倒)下I think I'll sit / lie down.我想我得坐下/躺下。
  1. to or in the south往南;南下;在南部We went down to Florida on our vacation.我们南下去佛罗里达州度假。
  1. used for showing that the level, amount, strength, etc. of something is less or lower(水平、数量、力量等)降低,减少,减弱Do you mind if I turn the heat down a little?我把暖气调低点,你介意吗?Please turn that music down!请把音乐声关小! OPP up
  1. (written) on paper(写)在纸上;写下Put these dates down in your calendar.把这些日期记在你的日历上。
  1. as a first payment预付;先付We bought the car for just $500 down.我们买这辆车只交了 500 美元的首付款。
  1. down to sb / sth even including甚至包括Everyone was invited, from the president down to the custodians.所有的人都得到邀请了,从总经理到看门人无一遗漏。
be / come down to sbto be someone's responsibility是某人的责任;由某人负责It's all down to you, Pat if you make this basket, we'll win the game!全看你的了,帕特。如果你这次投篮得分,这场比赛我们就赢了!When my father died, it came down to me to take care of the family.父亲死后,就由我照看家庭。be down to sthto have only the amount mentioned left只剩下(某数量)I can't loan you any money I'm down to my last $5.我没办法借钱给你,我只剩最后 5 美元了。come down with sthto be or become sick with something患…病;得…病I think I'm coming down with the flu.我想我得流感了。down and outhaving no money, job, or home一无所有;穷困潦倒down under (informal) (in) Australia(在)澳大利亚He comes from down under.他是澳大利亚人。 HELP For the special uses of down in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example, settle down is in the phrasal verb section at settle. * down 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条,如 settle down 在词条 settle 的短语动词部分。

🔑downdown2 /daʊn /


  1. along沿着;顺着“Where's the nearest gas station? “Go down this road and take the first right.“最近的加油站在哪儿?”“沿这条路往前,在第一个拐弯处右拐。”
  1. from the top toward the bottom of something向下;往下Her hair hung down her back.她的头发披在肩上。The snow began to slide down the mountain.雪开始滑下山坡。
  1. at or to a lower or further part of something在(或向)…的低处;在(或向)…的远处We sailed down the river.我们的船往河的下游驶去。

downdown3 /daʊn /


  1. sad悲伤;伤心You're looking a little down today.你今天看上去有点闷闷不乐。
  1. lower than before降低;下降Unemployment figures are down for the third month in a row.失业人数第三个月连续下降。
  1. (computing计算机) (used about computers) not working(计算机)出故障,停止运行

downdown4 /daʊn /


[transitive] (informal)
to finish a drink quickly将…一饮而尽;一口喝下He downed two beers and left.他一口气喝了两杯啤酒就离开了。

downdown5 /daʊn /


  1. [uncountable] very soft feathers绒毛;羽绒a down comforter羽绒被
  1. [countable] (sport体育) (in football) one of the four chances that a team has to carry the ball forward ten yards(美式橄榄球)进攻分段,十码进攻
ups and downsboth good and bad luck浮沉;兴衰;荣辱Every business has its ups and downs.每个企业都有自己的巅峰和低谷。




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