

词汇 day
🔑dayday /deɪ /


  1. [countable] a period of 24 hours, of which seven make up a week一天;一日“What day is it today? “Tuesday.“今天是星期几?”“星期二。”We went to Hawaii for ten days.我们去夏威夷待了十天。I saw that movie a few days ago.我几天前看了那部电影。The next day was Saturday.第二天是星期六。the day before前一天New Year's Day元旦
  1. [countable, uncountable] the period of time after the sun rises and before it sets白天;日间The days were warm, but the nights were freezing.白天很暖和,但夜间极冷。Have a nice day! See you tonight.祝你度过愉快的一天!晚上见。It's been raining all day.雨下了一整天。
  1. [countable] the hours of the day when you work一天中的工作时间She has to work an eight-hour day.她一天要工作八小时。
  1. [countable] ( days) a particular period of time时期;时代in Shakespeare's day在莎士比亚时代in the days of Shakespeare在莎士比亚时代In the old days, most houses didn't have electricity.旧时大多数住宅没有电力供应。
 adjective, adverb dailyby day / nightduring the day / night在白天;在夜晚These animals sleep by day and hunt by night.这些动物白天睡觉,夜间捕食。call it a day (informal) to decide to stop doing something收工;告一段落;到此为止Let's call it a day. I'm exhausted.咱们就到此为止吧,我累坏了。the day after tomorrownot tomorrow, but the next day后天;后日the day before yesterdaynot yesterday, but the day before前天;前日day by dayevery day; as time passes一天天;随着时间过去Day by day, she was getting a little bit stronger.她的身体一天天强壮起来。day in, day outevery day, without any change日复一日;天天如是He sits at his desk working, day in, day out.他日复一日地伏案工作。from day to dayfrom one day to the nextwithin a short period of time一日之间;短时间内Things change so quickly that we never know what will happen from one day to the next.事情变化之快令我们根本无法知道第二天会发生什么。have a field dayto have a time of great excitement, especially because you have an opportunity to make someone appear silly or stupid有机会大显身手(尤指戏弄别人)The newspapers always have a field day when there's a political scandal.每当出现政治丑闻时,各路报纸就会抓住机会大做文章。make sb's day (informal) to make someone very happy使某人非常高兴one daysome dayat some time in the future有朝一日;总有一天Some day we'll go back and see all our old friends.总有一天我们会回去看望所有的老朋友。the other daya few days ago; recently几天前;最近I bumped into him in town the other day.我前几天在城里碰见他了。the present daymodern times当代;当前In some countries, traditional methods of farming have survived to the present day.在一些国家,传统的耕作方式一直沿用至今。present-day attitudes toward women当今对女性的态度these daysin the present age; now如今;当今;现在More and more couples are getting divorced these days.现在越来越多的夫妻闹离婚。




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