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part of the body身体部位
  1. the part of a person's or an animal's body between the neck and the hips背;背部Do you sleep on your back or on your side?你是仰面睡还是侧身睡?She was standing with her back to me, so I couldn't see her face.她背对我站着,所以我看不到她的脸。He swung himself up onto the horse's back.他纵身跃上马背。
part farthest from the front后部
  1. the part or side of something that is farthest from the front后部;后面;背面;末尾Dan couldn't see the chalkboard because he was sitting at the back of the class.丹看不清黑板,因为他坐在教室的后排。Jane sat next to the driver, and I sat in the back of the car.简坐在司机旁边,我坐在车后排。You can take the front seat and I'll sit in back.你可以坐前排座位,我来坐后面。The back of the house looks much nicer than the front.房子的背面看上去比前面漂亮得多。There's some information about the author at the back of the book.书末有关于作者的一些信息。You need to sign the back of the check in order to cash it.你需要在支票背面签字,才能兑成现金。 OPP front
of chair椅子
  1. the part of a chair that you lean against when you sit down(椅子的)靠背Don't climb on the back of the couch!别爬到沙发的靠背上!
behind sb's backwithout someone's knowledge or agreement背着某人;暗中;私下They criticized her behind her back.他们在背后批评她。 OPP to sb's faceget off sb's back (informal) to stop bothering or annoying someone不再烦扰某人I wish she'd get off my back!我希望她别再烦我了!in the back of your mindin your thoughts, but not the main thing that you are thinking about在潜意识里;心里隐约想着Even when I'm at work, that problem is in the back of my mind.即使我在工作,那个问题也萦绕在我心头。know sth inside out / like the back of your hand (informal) to be very familiar with something对…了如指掌I grew up here. I know these woods like the back of my hand.我是在这儿长大的,对这些树林再熟悉不过了。a pat on the backcongratulations for something good that a person has done祝贺;赞许;称赞

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  1. (only before a noun只用于名词前) farthest from the front后面的;背后的Did you lock the back door?你锁后门了吗?the back row of the theater剧院的后排座位back teeth臼齿 OPP front
  1. owed for a time in the past到期未付的;拖欠的back taxes拖欠的税款
on the back burner (informal) (used about an idea, a plan, etc.) left to be done or considered later(想法、计划等)暂时搁置We'll have to put that project on the back burner until our financial situation improves.财务状况好转之前,我们只好把那个项目暂时搁置起来。

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  1. in or to a place or state that someone or something was in before在原处;回原处;恢复原状Bye! I'll be back around 6 o'clock (= back home again).再见!我 6 点左右回来。When is Joe coming back from Australia?乔什么时候从澳大利亚回来?Go back to sleep.接着睡吧。Can I have my pen back, please?请把我的笔还给我,好吗?
  1. away from the direction you are facing or moving in向后She walked away without looking back.她头也不回地走了。Could everyone move back a little, please?请大家往后挪一挪,好吗?
  1. away from something; under control隔开;控制住The police were unable to keep the crowds back.警察无法控制住人群。She tried to hold back her tears.她强忍住泪水。
  1. in return or in reply回应;回答He said he'd call me back in an hour.他说一小时后给我回电话。
  1. in or into the past; ago过去;从前I met him a few years back, in Vancouver.我几年前在温哥华见过他。Think back to your first day at school.回想一下你第一天上学的情景。
back and forthfrom one place to another and back again, all the time反复来回Traveling back and forth to work takes up a lot of time.上下班来回很费时间。The dog ran back and forth, barking.那条狗汪汪叫着跑来跑去。

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  1. [intransitive, transitive] to move backward or to make something move backward(使)后退I'll have to back into that parking space.我得把车倒进那个停车位。She backed the car into the parking space.她把车倒进停车位。
  1. [transitive] to give help or support to someone or something帮助;支持We can go ahead with the project if the bank will agree to back us.如果银行同意帮助我们,我们便可着手做这个项目。
  1. [transitive] to bet money that a particular horse, team, etc. will win in a race or game下赌注于(赛马、参赛队等)
back away (from sb / sth)to move backward because you are afraid, shocked, etc.(因恐惧、震惊等)往后退,退避He began to back slowly away from the snake.他开始慢慢往后退,躲开那条蛇。back downto stop insisting that you are right退却;让步;放弃You have the right to a raise; don't back down now.你有权要求加薪,现在不要退缩。back out (of sth)to decide not to do something that you had promised to do(对…)食言;收回(许诺)You promised you would come with me. You can't back out of it now!你答应和我一起去的,现在可不能说话不算数!back upto move backward, especially in a car, etc.(使)后退;倒(车)Back up slowly there might be another car coming.倒车慢点,可能会有车开过来。back sb / sth upto support someone; to say or show that something is true支持;证实I'm going to say exactly what I think at the meeting. Will you back me up?我打算在会上怎么想就怎么说。你会支持我吗?All the evidence backed up what the man had said.所有证据都证实了那名男子说的话。back sth up
  1. to make a copy of a computer program, etc. in case the original one is lost or damaged备份;给(计算机程序等)做备份If you don't back up your files, you risk losing data.如果你没有给文件做备份,就会有丢失数据的风险。
  1. to move a car, etc. backward倒(车);使后退Back the truck up a little so that other people can get past.把卡车向后倒一点,好让其他人过去。




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