

词汇 citation
citationci·ta·tion AW /saɪˈteɪʃn /


  1. (English language arts英语语言文学) a reference in a speech or piece of writing to something that someone else has said or written引用;引证;引文Her thesis contained citations to all the important works on that topic.她的论文引用了与该课题相关的所有重要作品。
  1. an official warning that you get after you have done something wrong, which often means that you have to go to court传讯;传票Police officers will issue citations to drivers who park here without a permit.警察会给那些未持许可证在这儿停车的司机开出罚单。a traffic citation交通罚单 SYN summons
  1. an official report that praises someone for something he / she has done嘉奖令;表彰;表扬a citation for bravery见义勇为奖




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