

词汇 dig
🔑digdig1 /dɪɡ /


(present participle dig·ging, past tense, past participle dug /dʌɡ /) [intransitive, transitive]
  1. to move earth and make a hole in the ground挖;挖掘The kids are busy digging in the sand.孩子们在忙着挖沙子。to dig a hole挖洞to dig for gold采掘金子
  1. (informal, old-fashioned) to like something very much喜欢;喜爱
dig in (informal) to begin to eat something in an enthusiastic way开始大吃The food's ready dig in!饭好了,开吃吧!dig sth indig sth into sthto push something into someone or something把…戳进;插入;压入She dug her fingernails into my arm.她的手指甲抠进了我的胳膊。dig sb / sth out (of sth)
  1. to get someone or something out of something by digging挖出;挖掘出Rescue workers dug the survivors out of the rubble.救援人员将幸存者从瓦砾中扒出来。
  1. to get or find someone or something by searching搜寻出;发掘Bill went into the attic and dug out some old pictures.比尔到阁楼里翻出了一些老照片。
dig sth up
  1. to remove something from the earth by digging(从地下)挖出,挖掘出to dig up potatoes挖出马铃薯
  1. to make a hole or take away earth by digging挖洞;挖土Workers are digging up the road in front of our house.工人在我们家门前挖路。
  1. to find information by searching or studying探寻,探究,探询(信息)Newspapers dug up some embarrassing facts about his private life.报界刨出了有关他私生活的一些不光彩的事情。

digdig2 /dɪɡ /


  1. a hard push推;戳;刺to give someone a dig in the ribs (= with your elbow) 用胳膊肘戳某人的肋部
  1. something that you say to upset someone挖苦;嘲讽The others kept making digs at him because of the way he spoke.其他人总嘲笑他说话的方式。
  1. an occasion or place where a group of people try to find things of historical or scientific interest in the ground in order to study them(考古或科学研究的)发掘,发掘地点an archaeological dig考古发掘现场




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