

词汇 die
🔑diedie1 /daɪ /


(present participle dy·ing, third person singular present tense dies, past tense, past participle died)
  1. [intransitive] to stop living死;死亡;凋谢Thousands of people have died from this disease.已有成千上万的人死于这种病。to die of a heart attack死于心脏病发作to die for what you believe in为自己的信仰献身 (figurative) Our love will never die.我们的爱情将永恒不灭。
  1. [intransitive](used about a machine) to stop working(机器)停止运转The pilot managed to land the plane safely after one of the engines died.一个引擎熄火后,飞行员设法将飞机安全降落。
  1. [transitive] to have a particular kind of death以…方式死亡to die a natural death 自然死亡
be dying for sth / to do sthto want something / to do something very much渴望;极想I'm dying for a cup of coffee.我现在特想喝杯咖啡。We're dying to go skydiving.我们非常想去体验特技跳伞。die hardto change or disappear only slowly or with difficulty难以改变;顽固Old attitudes toward women die hard.对女性的旧观念根深蒂固。to die for (informal) if you think that something is to die for, you really want it and would do anything to get it迫切需要;不惜一切代价地想要They have a house at the beach that's to die for.他们在海滨有一栋让人羡慕得要命的房子。 die awayto slowly become weaker before stopping or disappearing逐渐减弱;逐渐消失The sound of the engine died away as the car drove off.发动机的声音随着汽车开走而渐渐消失了。die downto slowly become less strong逐渐变弱;逐渐平息Let's wait until the storm dies down before we go out.咱们等暴风雨平息后再出去吧。die offto die one by one until there are none left相继死去;渐渐地死光die outto disappear消失;灭绝The use of horses on farms died out a long time ago.农场早就不用马了。

diedie2 /daɪ /


[countable] (plural dice /daɪs /) = dice




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