

词汇 dead
🔑deaddead1 /dɛd /


not alive死去的
  1. no longer alive死亡的;失去生命的They rushed him to the hospital, but he was dead on arrival.他们匆忙送他去医院,可他到达医院时就死了。There's a dead spider in the bathtub.浴缸里有只死蜘蛛。
  1. (used about a piece of equipment) no longer working(设备)不运行的,不运转的I picked up the phone, but the line was dead.我拿起电话,可线路不通。a dead battery没电的电池
  1. (only before a noun只用于名词前) complete完全的;全然的There was dead silence when she finished speaking.她讲完话后是一片死寂。
  1. without movement, activity, or interest死气沉沉的;无活力的;无趣的This town is completely dead after 11 o'clock at night.晚上 11 点过后这个镇就毫无生趣。
not used不用
  1. no longer used; over and finished不再使用的;已废弃的Latin is a dead language.拉丁语已不再通用。
a dead end
  1. a street that is only open at one end一头封死的街道;死胡同
  1. a point, situation, etc. from which you can make no further progress绝境;僵局a dead-end job (= one that offers no chance of promotion) 没有前途的工作
drop dead (informal)
  1. to die suddenly猝死;暴毙
  1. used to tell someone that you are very angry with him / her(表示愤怒)去死吧

deaddead2 /dɛd /


the dead [plural]
people who have died死者;死人A church service was held in memory of the dead.教堂举行仪式悼念死者。in the dead of nightin the middle of the night, when it is very dark and quiet在深夜;万籁俱寂时




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