

词汇 show
🔑showshow1 /ʃoʊ /


  1. [countable] a program on television or on the radio(电视或广播的)节目There's a show I want to see tonight.今晚有我想看的节目。my favorite TV show我最喜爱的电视节目
  1. [countable] a play in a theater(剧场的)表演,演出a Broadway show百老汇演出
collection of things收藏品
  1. [countable] a collection of things for people to look at, often in a special large building展览;展览会a dog show狗展the Detroit auto show (= where new types of cars are displayed) 底特律汽车展
insincere act不真诚的行为
  1. [countable, uncountable] the expression of an emotion that is not what you really feel or that does not have much meaning装出的样子;伪装;假象Although she hated him, she put on a show of politeness.尽管她恨他,她还是装出一副彬彬有礼的样子。His bravery is all show (= he is not as brave as he pretends to be).他的勇敢全是装出来的。
  1. [singular] a sign of something迹象;显露;表现The military conducted exercises as a show of strength in the region.军方举行军事演习以显示在该地区的实力。
for showintended to impress people; not to be used装门面的;不为使用目的的Those dishes are only for show no one ever uses them.那些盘子只是用来展示的,从来没有人用。be on showto be located in a place where people can see it在展出The collection is on show at the Museum of Modern Art.这批收藏品正在现代艺术博物馆展出。

🔑showshow2 /ʃoʊ /


(past tense showed, past participle shown /ʃoʊn / or showed)
let someone see something给人看
  1. [transitive] show sth (to sb) | show sb sth to make it possible for other people to see someone or something给(某人)看;出示;展示I showed the letter to him.我把信拿给他看。I showed him the letter.我把信拿给他看。She showed me what she had bought.她给我看了看她买的东西。They're showing his latest movie at the theater at the mall.购物中心的剧场正在放映他的最新影片。
  1. [transitive] to lead or guide someone to a place引导;带;领Let me show you to your room.我带你去你的房间。A guide showed us around the museum.一名导游领我们参观了博物馆。
  1. [transitive] to help someone to do something by doing it yourself; to explain something演示;解说Can you show me how to put the disk in the computer?你能给我演示一下如何把光盘放进计算机吗?
make clear表明
  1. [transitive] to make something clear; to give information about something表明;证明;说明Research shows that most people get too little exercise.研究表明大多数人锻炼太少。The picture showed the effects of the storm.这张照片显示了暴风雨造成的影响。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库conclusionsumming up an argument总结论点In conclusion / To sum up, the study provides useful information on how people feel about crime.综上所述,本研究为人们如何看待犯罪这一问题提供了有用的信息。This study shows / demonstrates that people's fear of crime is out of proportion to actual crime levels.本研究表明,人们对犯罪活动的恐惧程度要高于实际犯罪的严重程度。People's fear of crime is out of proportion to actual crime levels. The reasons for this can be summarized as follows. First…人们对犯罪活动的恐惧程度要高于实际犯罪的严重程度,其原因可归结为以下几点。第一,…Overall / In general, women are more likely than men to feel unsafe walking alone after dark.一般情况下,天黑后一个人走在路上,女人比男人更容易感到不安全。
be visible看得见
  1. [intransitive] to be able to be seen; to appear露出;显现Her anger showed in her eyes.她的眼里流露出愤怒。There's a hole in my sock, but it doesn't show.我的袜子上有个洞,但没有显露出来。
  1. [transitive] to allow something to be seen使看得见;使显露This gray carpet doesn't show the dirt.这块灰色地毯不显脏。
quality / behavior / feeling品质;行为;感情
  1. [transitive] to cause people to notice a particular quality表现出;显示出;流露出She was the only one who ever showed him any kindness.她是唯一对他表示友好的人。He didn't want to show what he was really thinking.他不想流露出当时真实的想法。She was showing signs of stress.她显得有些紧张。
show sb / know / learn the ropesto show someone / know / learn how a job should be done向某人演示/知道/学会如何做某事 show (sth) off (informal) to try to impress people by showing them how good you are at something or by showing them something that you are proud of炫耀;向人展示;卖弄He's always showing off in front of his friends.他总是在朋友们面前炫耀自己。She wanted to show off her new bike.她想显摆一下自己的新自行车。 noun show-offshow up
  1. (informal) to arrive, especially when someone is expecting you如约来到;出现I thought you'd never show up.我以为你不会到场。
  1. to be able to be seen看得见;显露The fracture showed up clearly on the X-ray.骨折的情况在 X 光照片上清楚地显示了出来。
➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库showreferring to a chart, graph, or table描述图表This bar graph shows / illustrates how many journeys people made using public transportation over a three-month period.这个条形图表明/显示在三个月时间内人们利用公共交通出行的次数。In this pie chart, the survey results are broken down by age.在这个饼分图中,按照年龄对调查结果进行了细分。According to these figures, bus travel accounts for 60% of public transportation use.从这些数字来看,利用公共汽车出行占公共交通使用的 60%。From the data in the graph above, it is apparent that / it is clear that / it can be seen that buses are the most popular form of public transportation.根据上述图表中的数据,可明显地看出/可清楚地看出/可以看出,公共汽车是最受欢迎的公共交通工具。




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