

词汇 shoulder
🔑shouldershoul·der1 /ˈʃoʊldər /


  1. the part of the body between the neck and the top of the arm肩;肩膀He hurt his shoulder.他弄伤了肩膀。He carried his little girl on his shoulders.他把小女儿扛在肩上。to shrug your shoulders (= to raise your shoulders, especially as a way of showing that you do not know an answer or that you are not interested) 耸肩
  1. a part of a dress, coat, etc. that covers this part of the body(连衣裙、大衣等的)肩部
  1. a narrow part along the side of a road where cars can stop in an emergency路肩(公路两侧供车辆紧急停靠的狭长地带)
have a chip on your shoulder (informal) to be angry about something for a long time, especially because you think you have been treated unfairly(因感到委屈)生闷气,愤愤不平rub elbows / shoulders with sbto spend time at parties and social events with someone, especially famous people和(某人,尤其名人)结交

shouldershoul·der2 /ˈʃoʊldər /


  1. to accept the responsibility for something承担;肩负She shouldered all the blame for the accident.她承担了这次事故的全部责任。
  1. to push someone or something with your shoulder(用肩膀)挤,推开,顶开He shouldered everyone aside and disappeared through the door.他用肩膀把所有人挤到一边,冲出门外跑掉了。




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