

词汇 borrow
🔑borrowbor·row /ˈbɑroʊ ; ˈbɔroʊ /


[intransitive, transitive] borrow (sth) (from / off sb / sth)
  1. to take or receive something from someone or something that you intend to give back, usually after a short time借;借用I had to borrow from the bank to pay for my car.我只得从银行贷款买车。They borrowed $10,000 to buy a new car.他们为买新车借了 10,000 美元。Could I borrow your pen for a minute?我借你的钢笔用一下好吗?Can I borrow $10? I'll pay you back next week.我能借 10 美元吗?我下星期还你。He's always borrowing off his mother.他老是向他母亲要钱。I borrowed a book from the library.我从图书馆借了本书。  look at lend, loan2
  1. to take something and use it as your own; to copy借鉴;引用That idea is borrowed from another book.那个概念借鉴于另外一本书。




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