

词汇 ask (sb) for sth
[intransitive, transitive] ask (sb) for sth | ask sth (of sb) | ask sb to do sth | ask (sb) that... to request someone to give you something or do something for you请求;要求She asked for a cup of coffee.她要了一杯咖啡。Don't ask John for money – he doesn't have any.别向约翰要钱,他没钱。You are asking too much of him – he can't possibly do all that!你对他的要求太多了,他不可能全都做得到!Call this number and ask for Mrs. Smith (= ask to speak to Mrs. Smith).拨这个号码,找史密斯太太。I asked him if he would drive me home.我问他能否开车送我回家。I asked him to drive me home.我请他开车送我回家。We ask that everyone remain seated.我们要求大家留在座位上。




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