

词汇 absorbing
absorbingab·sorb·ing /əbˈsɔrbɪŋ ; əbˈzɔrbɪŋ /


so interesting that it holds your attention completely非常吸引人的;让人着迷的;精彩的an absorbing story引人入胜的故事➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析interestingfascinating ◇ compelling ◇ stimulating ◇ gripping ◇ absorbingThese words all describe someone or something that attracts or holds your attention because they are exciting, unusual, or full of good ideas.以上词均表示有吸引力的、趣味十足的。interestingattracting your attention because it is exciting, unusual, or full of good ideas有趣的;有吸引力的;耐人寻味的That's an interesting question, Daniel.这问题问得好,丹尼尔。Can't we do something more interesting?我们就不能做点更有趣的事吗?Our survey produced some interesting results.我们的调查得出了一些耐人寻味的结果。fascinatingextremely interesting or attractive极有吸引力的;迷人的The exhibition tells the fascinating story of the steam age.展览讲述了蒸汽时代引人入胜的故事。compelling(somewhat formal) so interesting or exciting that it holds your attention引人入胜的;扣人心弦的Her latest book makes for compelling reading.她新出的书读起来扣人心弦。stimulatingfull of interesting or exciting ideas; making people feel enthusiastic趣味盎然的;激励人的;振奋人心的We had a stimulating conversation over lunch.我们吃午饭时进行了热烈的交谈。grippingso exciting or interesting that it holds your attention completely激动人心的;吸引人的;扣人心弦的His books are always so gripping.他的书总是那么引人入胜。absorbingso interesting or enjoyable that it holds your attention十分吸引人的;引人入胜的;精彩的Chess can be a completely absorbing game.国际象棋有时就是一种令人完全着迷的游戏。PATTERNS 句型interesting / fascinating / stimulating for sbinteresting / fascinating to sbinteresting / fascinating thatinteresting / fascinating to see / hear / find / learn / knowa(n) interesting / fascinating / compelling / stimulating / gripping read / booka(n) interesting / fascinating / compelling / gripping storya(n) interesting / fascinating / stimulating experience / discussion / ideato find sth interesting / fascinating / compelling / stimulating / gripping / absorbing




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