

词汇 confusion
🔑confusioncon·fu·sion /kənˈfyuʒn /


  1. a state of not being certain about what is happening, what you should do, what something means, etc.困惑;不解He stared in confusion at the crowd of people in front of his house.他困惑地盯着他房前的那群人。There is still a great deal of confusion as to the true facts.仍有大量真实情况尚不清楚。
  1. the fact of making a mistake about who someone is or what something is混淆;混同To avoid confusion, all luggage should be labeled with your name and destination.为避免弄混,所有行李都要贴上标签,标明物主姓名和目的地。
  1. a confused situation in which people do not know what action to take混乱局面;混乱状态In the panic and confusion, two people were trampled to death.在一片恐慌和骚乱中,两人被踩死了。Their unexpected visit threw all our plans into confusion.他们不期而至,打乱了我们所有的计划。




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