

词汇 conduct
🔑conductcon·duct AW 1 /kənˈdʌkt /


  1. to carry out or organize something实施;执行;组织Tests are being conducted to find the cause of the accident.正在进行测试以查找事故原因。
  1. (music音乐) to direct a group of musicians who are singing or playing music指挥The orchestra was conducted by Ozawa.这个管弦乐队由小泽征尔指挥。
  1. (physics物理) to allow heat or electricity to pass along or through something传导(热或电流)Rubber does not conduct electricity.橡胶不导电。
  1. conduct yourself well, badly, etc. (formal) to behave in a particular way行为举止得体(或糟糕等)
  1. to lead or guide someone or something引导;引领A tour of the museum is conducted every hour.每过一小时就有专人带领参观博物馆。

🔑conductcon·duct AW 2 /ˈkɑndʌkt /


  1. a person's behavior行为;举止Ron was fired from the bank for unprofessional conduct.罗恩因为做了有违职业道德的事而被银行解雇了。a code of conduct (= a set of rules for behavior) 行为规范  look at misconduct
  1. conduct of sth the way in which a business or an activity is organized and managed经营方式;管理方式;实施办法There was growing criticism of the government's conduct of the war.政府对战争的指挥方式受到越来越多的指责。




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