

词汇 condemn
condemncon·demn /kənˈdɛm /


  1. condemn sb / sth (for / as sth) to say strongly that you think someone or something is very bad or wrong谴责;指责The president has been condemned for trying to cut funding for education.总统因试图削减教育经费而受到谴责。A government spokesman condemned the bombing as a cowardly act of terrorism.一名政府发言人谴责这次爆炸事件是懦弱的恐怖主义行为。
  1. condemn sb (to sth / to do sth) to say what someone's punishment will be宣判;判处The murderer was condemned to die in the electric chair.杀人犯被判电椅死刑。 (figurative) Their poor education condemns them to a lifetime of poverty.他们的教育程度太低,注定他们要一辈子受穷。
  1. condemn sth (as sth) to say officially that something is not safe enough to use宣告使用…不安全The building was condemned and had to be demolished.这座大楼被定为危楼,必须拆除。




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