

词汇 born
🔑bornborn1 /bɔrn /


be born
to come into the world by birth; to start existing出生;诞生;出现;源自I was born on May 28.我生于 5 月 28 日。Gloria was born in 1985.格洛丽亚 1985 年出生。Where were you born?你在哪儿出生的?My parents were born in Korea, but they grew up in the U.S.我父母在韩国出生,但在美国长大。I'm going to stop working after the baby is born.我打算孩子出生后就不工作了。Their baby was born deaf.他们的小孩生下来就耳聋。The idea of free education for all was born in the eighteenth century.人人享受免费教育的思想始于十八世纪。His unhappiness was born out of a feeling of frustration.他的不快乐源于一种挫败感。

bornborn2 /bɔrn /


  1. having a natural ability to do something天生的She's a born leader.她是天生的领袖。
  1. -born (used to form compound adjectives用于构成复合形容词) born in the place or state mentioned在(某地)出生的;以(某种方式)出生的Samuel Beckett, the Irish-born writer爱尔兰出生的作家塞缪尔 · 贝克特




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