

词汇 boil
🔑boilboil1 /bɔɪl /


  1. [intransitive](used about a liquid) to reach a high temperature where bubbles rise to the surface and the liquid changes to a gas(液体)沸腾,达到沸点Water boils at 212°F, or 100°C.水在 212 华氏度(即 100 摄氏度)沸腾。The pot's boiling (= the water inside the pot).那壶水烧开了。
  1. [transitive] to heat a liquid until it boils and let it keep boiling煮沸;煮开Boil all drinking water for five minutes.把所有的饮用水烧开五分钟。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to cook in boiling water用开水煮to boil an egg煮鸡蛋Put the potatoes on to boil.把土豆煮上。
  1. [intransitive](used about a person) to feel very angry(人)非常气愤,大怒She was boiling with rage.她怒不可遏。
boil down to sthto have something as the most important point归结为;概括为What it all boils down to is that you don't want to spend too much money.归根到底是你不愿花太多钱。boil over
  1. (used about a liquid) to boil and flow over the sides of a pan(液体)煮溢,潽Don't let the soup boil over.别把汤煮潽了。
  1. (used about an argument or someone's feelings) to become more serious or angry(争吵或情绪)恶化,怒不可遏Tensions boiled over and the argument became a fist fight.事态越发严重,口舌之争演变成大打出手。

boilboil2 /bɔɪl /


  1. [singular] (general science科学) an act or period of boiling; the point at which a liquid boils煮沸;沸腾;沸点 Bring the soup to a boil.把汤煮开。The sauce will get thicker as it comes to a boil.汤汁沸腾后会变得更稠。
  1. (health医疗保健) a small, painful swelling under your skin, with a red or yellow top疖;皮下脓肿;黄水疮




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