

词汇 board
🔑boardboard1 /bɔrd /


  1. [countable] a long, thin, flat piece of wood used for making floors, walls, etc.木板floorboards木地板
  1. [countable] a thin, flat piece of wood, plastic, etc. used for a particular purpose(具有某种用途的)板an ironing board熨衣板a bulletin board布告栏a skateboard滑雪板 board games (= games that you play on a board, for example chess) 棋类游戏a chessboard棋盘  look at blackboard, whiteboard
  1. [countable] a group of people who control an organization, a company, etc.委员会;理事会;董事会the board of directors董事会She was elected to the local school board.她经选举进入地方学校董事会。
  1. [uncountable] the meals that are provided when you live at a college or university, etc.(大学等的)膳食,伙食The price of tuition does not include room and board.学费不含食宿。
across the boardinvolving or affecting all groups, members, cases, etc.全面地;普遍地a 10% pay increase across the board10% 的全体加薪on boardon a ship or plane在船上;在飞机上All the passengers were safely on board.所有乘客都已安全登机。

🔑boardboard2 /bɔrd /


[intransitive, transitive]
to get on a plane, ship, bus, etc.登上(飞机、轮船、公共汽车等)We said goodbye and boarded the train.我们道别之后,登上了火车。Flight 143 to London is now boarding (= ready to take passengers) at Gate 27.乘 143 航班飞往伦敦的旅客请于 27 号登机口登机。 board sth upto cover with boards 用木板封住No one lives there now it's all boarded up.那里现在没人住,全用木板封上了。




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