

词汇 despite
🔑despitede·spite AW /dɪˈspaɪt /


without being affected by the thing mentioned尽管;虽然Despite having very little money, they enjoy life.他们虽然钱很少,但生活得很开心。The project went ahead despite public opposition.尽管公众反对,该项目还是照样进行。 SYN in spite of➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库neverthelesscontrasting arguments对比论点While the movie is certainly too long, it is nevertheless / nonetheless an interesting study of human nature.虽然这部电影的确太长了,但它是对人性有趣的审视。The movie is certainly too long. Still / However, it is an interesting study of human nature.这部电影的确太长了,但它是对人性有趣的审视。Of course, large portions of the original novel had to be left out, but the movie nevertheless / still tells the story well.当然,原著小说中的很多内容在电影中被舍弃了,但这部电影仍然将故事讲得很精彩。In spite of / Despite the fact that large portions of the original novel had to be left out, the movie tells the story well.尽管不得不大量舍弃原著小说的内容,这部电影仍然将故事讲得很精彩。




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