

词汇 despise
despisede·spise /dɪˈspaɪz /


to hate someone or something very much憎恶;厌恶;鄙视I despise him for lying about me to other people.他对别人造我的谣,我鄙视他。➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析hatedislike ◇ can't stand ◇ despise ◇ loathe ◇ detestThese words all mean to have a strong feeling of dislike for someone or something.以上词均表示厌恶、讨厌、憎恶。hateto have a strong feeling of dislike for someone or something讨厌;厌恶;憎恨He hates violence in any form.他憎恶任何形式的暴力。I've always hated cabbage.我从来都讨厌吃卷心菜。I hate the way she always criticizes me.我讨厌她总是批评我。Hate is generally a very strong verb, but it is also used in spoken or informal English to talk about people or things that you dislike in a less important way, for example a particular type of food. * hate 的语气一般较强,但亦常用于口语或非正式英语中,谈论一些不怎么喜欢的人或事物,如某种食物等。dislike(somewhat formal) to not like someone or something不喜欢;讨厌Why do you dislike him so much?你为什么这么讨厌他?Dislike is a somewhat formal word; it is more usual to say that you don't like someone or something, especially in spoken English. * dislike 是稍正式的词,更常用的说法是 don't like sb / sth,尤其在口语中I don't like it when you call me so late at night.我不喜欢你夜里这么晚给我打电话。can't stand(somewhat informal) used to emphasize that you really do not like someone or something(强调不喜欢)无法忍受,不能容忍I can't stand his brother.他弟弟让我受不了。She couldn't stand to be kept waiting.叫她等待,她会受不了。despiseto dislike someone or something very much and have no respect for them or it蔑视;鄙视;看不起He depised himself for being so cowardly.他为自己如此怯懦而鄙视自己。She despised any kind of gossip.她鄙视任何种类的闲言碎语。loatheto hate someone or something very much极不喜欢;厌恶They loathe each other.他们相互厌恶。She loathes discrimination of any kind.她讨厌任何形式的歧视。(informal) I loathe country music (= I really don't like it at all).我一点都不喜欢乡村音乐。detest(somewhat formal) to hate someone or something very much厌恶;憎恶;讨厌I detest any form of prejudice.我憎恨任何形式的偏见。PATTERNS 句型I hate / dislike / can't stand / loathe / detest doing sthI hate / can't stand to do sthI hate / dislike / can't stand it when…I really hate / dislike / can't stand / despise / detest sb / sthI absolutely hate / can't stand / loathe / detest sb / sth




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