

词汇 change
🔑changechange1 /tʃeɪndʒ /


become / make different改变
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to become different or to make someone or something different改变;(使)变化,不同This town has changed a lot since I was young.比起我年轻的时候,这个小镇已经发生了很大的变化。Our plans have changed. We leave in the morning.我们的计划有变,我们早上出发。His fame has not changed him at all.他出名后一点儿也没变。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] change (sb / sth) to / into sth | change (from sth) (to / into sth) to become something different; to make someone or something take a different form(使)变成The traffic lights changed from green to red.交通灯由绿变红。to change water into ice把水变成冰
  1. [transitive] to take, have, or use something instead of something else更换;替换to change jobs换工作to change a tire on a car更换汽车轮胎to change direction改变方向Can I change my appointment from Wednesday to Thursday?我可以把星期三的预约改为星期四吗?
  1. [intransitive, transitive] change (out of sth) (into sth) to take off your clothes and put different ones on换(衣服);更衣He changed his shirt.他换下了衬衫。I'm going straight to the party from work, so I'll change when I get there.我下班后直接去参加晚会,所以我到那儿以后再换衣服。She changed out of her swimsuit and into a dress.她换下游泳衣,穿上一条连衣裙。
  1. [transitive] to put clean things onto someone or something给…更换(干净的东西)It's your turn to change the baby (= to put a clean diaper on him / her).轮到你给婴儿换尿布了。
  1. [transitive] change sth (for / into sth) to give someone money and receive the same amount back in money of a different type兑换;找换I'd like to change a hundred dollars into euros.我想把一百美元换成欧元。Can you change a twenty-dollar bill?你能给我换二十美元的零钱吗?
bus / train / plane公共汽车;火车;飞机
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to get out of one bus, plane, etc. and get into another换乘;转乘Does this bus go all the way to the airport or do we have to change?这趟公共汽车直接到机场还是我们得换车?She has to change planes in Dallas.她得在达拉斯转飞机。
change handsto pass from one owner to another易手;转手change your mindto change your decision or opinion改变主意I'll have the green one. No, I changed my mind. I want the red one.我想要那个绿的。不,我改变主意了,我要那个红的。change / trade places (with sb)to take someone's seat, position, etc. and let him / her have yours(和某人)交换位置Let's change places so that you can look out of the window.咱们换个位置吧,这样你就可以看到窗外了。change the subjectto start talking about something different转换话题change your tune (informal) to change your opinion or feelings about something改变调子;改变态度Wait until it happens to him then he'll change his tune.等到事情发生在他身上,他就会改变态度了。 change over (from sth) (to sth)to stop doing or using one thing and start doing or using something else改用;转而使用Our office has changed over to a new computer system.我们办公室换了一套新的计算机系统。

🔑changechange2 /tʃeɪndʒ /


  1. [countable, uncountable] change (in / to sth) the process of becoming or making something different改变;变化There was little change in the patient's condition overnight.病人的情况在夜间几乎没有什么变化。After two very cold winters, people were talking about a change in the climate.经历了两次寒冬后,人们开始谈论气候的变化了。
something new and interesting新奇有趣的事物
  1. [countable] change (of sth) something that you take, have, or use instead of something else变更;更换We need to notify the bank of our change of address.需通知银行我们变更了地址。Bring a change of clothes in case it rains and you get wet.带上替换衣服以防下雨淋湿。
  1. [uncountable] coins or bills of lower value that together make up the same value as a larger coin or bill零钱Do you have change for a dollar?你有一美元零钱吗?Passengers should have the exact fare; drivers cannot make change.乘客应当备好确切的车费,司机无法找零。
  1. [uncountable] coins硬币He needs some change for the phone.他需要一些硬币打电话。
  1. [uncountable] the money that you get back if you pay more than the amount something costs找给的零钱;找头If a cake costs $8 and you pay with a $10 bill, you will get $2 in change.如果一块蛋糕要 8 美元,你支付 10 美元,就会得到 2 美元的找头。
a change of hearta change in your opinion or the way that you feel改变看法;改变态度for a changein order to do something different from usual变变花样;改变一下We always stay home in the evenings. Let's go out tonight for a change.我们晚上总是待在家里,今晚变换一下,我们出去吧。




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