

词汇 envy
envyen·vy1 /ˈɛnvi /


[uncountable] envy (of sb / sth)
the feeling that you have when someone else has something that you want羡慕;忌妒It was difficult for her to hide her envy of her friend's success.她难以掩饰自己对朋友成功的忌妒。 SYN jealousy adjective enviousthe envy of sbthe thing that causes someone to feel envy 羡慕(或忌妒)的对象The city's school system is the envy of many of its neighbors.这个城市的学校体制让周边许多城市羡慕不已。green with envy (informal) wanting to have what someone else has十分嫉妒;非常羡慕She was green with envy when she found out how much money I make!当她知道我赚多少钱后,眼红得不得了!

envyen·vy2 /ˈɛnvi /


[transitive] (present participle en·vy·ing, third person singular present tense en·vies, past tense, past participle en·vied)envy sb / sth
to want something that someone else has; to feel envy羡慕;忌妒I've always envied your good luck.我一直很羡慕你的好运。I don't envy the people who have to clean up after the party (= I'm glad that I don't have to clean up).我很庆幸自己不必在聚会之后还得打扫卫生。




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