

词汇 enough
🔑enoughe·nough1 /ɪˈnʌf /




  1. as much or as many of something as necessary足够(的);充分(的);充足(的)We've saved enough money to buy a computer.我们已经攒够了买电脑的钱。Not everyone can have a book there aren't enough.书不够,不能人手一册。Are there enough chairs?椅子够用吗?If enough of you are interested, we'll arrange a trip to the theater.如果你们当中有足够多的人感兴趣,我们会安排去看一次戏。
  1. as much or as many as you want足够Don't give me any more work. I have enough already.别再分给我活儿了,我已经够多的了。
(that's) enoughenough is enoughsaid when you want someone to stop doing something(告诉某人停止做某事)够了,行了That's enough! This fight is over.行了!打架到此为止。Enough is enough! Turn that music down now.够了!现在把音乐声调低点儿。have had enough (of sth)to be tired of something and annoyed by it(对…)已厌烦透了,受够了I've had enough of living in the city (= I don't want to live in the city anymore).我在城里已经住够了。

🔑enoughe·nough2 /ɪˈnʌf /


(used after verbs, adjectives, and adverbs用于动词、形容词和副词后) to the necessary amount or degree; sufficiently足够地;充足地You don't practice enough.你练习得不够。He's not old enough to travel alone.他还太小,不能独自旅行。Does she speak Italian well enough to get the job?要得到那份工作,她的意大利语讲得够好吗?Are those shoes big enough for you, or do you need a larger size?你穿那双鞋够大吗,还是需要大一号的?fair enoughused to show that you agree with what someone has suggested, even if you do not like it(表示同意某人所言,即便自己不乐意)有道理,说得对,行“I washed the dishes every night last week I'm not doing them again. “Okay, fair enough. I'll do them tonight.“上周每天晚上都是我洗碗,我不想再洗了。”“好吧,有道理,今晚我来洗。”sure enoughas you / someone had expected果然;果真I expected him to be early, and sure enough, he arrived five minutes before the others.我预计他会早到,果然他比其他人早到五分钟。




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