

词汇 respond (to sb / sth) (with / by sth)
respond (to sb / sth) (with / by sth) (formal) to say or do something as an answer or reaction to something回应;回答I wrote to them last week, but they haven't responded yet.我上周给他们写了信,但他们还没有回复。He responded to my question with a nod.他点了点头,算是回答了我的问题。The administration has responded to criticism by promising to spend more on education.面对批评,政府的回应是承诺加大对教育的资金投入。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Answer, reply, or respond? * answer、reply 还是 respond?Answer and reply are the most common verbs used for speaking or writing in reaction to questions, letters, etc. * answer 和 reply 是口语和书面语中表示回答问题、回信等最常用的动词I asked him a question, but he didn't answer.我问了他一个问题,但他没回答。I sent my application, but they haven't replied yet.我寄了申请信,但他们还没回复。Note that you answer a person, a question, or a letter (no “to”), but you reply to a letter.注意:answer 表示回答或回信时,后面不用 to,宾语可以是人,也可以是问题或信件;而 reply 表示回信时,后面要加 to。Respond is less common and more formal. * respond 较少用,且比较正式Applicants must respond within seven days.申请人须于七日内答复。




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