

词汇 cry
🔑crycry1 /kraɪ /


(present participle cry·ing, third person singular present tense cries, past tense, past participle cried)
  1. [intransitive] to make a noise and produce tears in your eyes, for example because you are unhappy or have hurt yourself哭;哭泣The baby never stops crying.婴儿哭个不停。The child was crying for (= because she wanted) her mother.那小女孩哭着要妈妈。to cry yourself to sleep哭到睡着
  1. [intransitive, transitive] cry (out) to shout or make a loud noise喊叫;大喊“Look! he cried. “There they are!“看!”他喊道,“他们在那儿!”to cry out in pain痛得直叫
cry out for sthto need something very much急需;迫切地需要The school district is crying out for good teachers.学区急需好老师。

crycry2 /kraɪ /


(plural cries)
  1. [countable] a shout or loud noise叫喊;喊声;叫声the cry of a seagull海鸥的叫声a cry of pain / fear / joy痛苦/害怕/高兴的叫声
  1. [singular] an act of crying哭;哭泣After a good cry I felt much better.大哭一场后,我感觉好多了。
a far cry from sth / from doing sthan experience that is very different from something / doing something和…相去甚远;和…大不相同的经历




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