

词汇 crush
🔑crushcrush1 /krʌʃ /


  1. to press someone or something hard so that he / she / it is broken, damaged, or injured压伤;压破;压坏Don't pack the eggs at the bottom of the bag or they'll get crushed.不要把鸡蛋放在包的底层,否则会压破的。to be crushed to death被轧死
  1. crush sth (up) to break something hard into very small pieces or a powder压碎;碾碎;捣碎First, crush the garlic and fry in olive oil.先把大蒜捣碎,再加入橄榄油煎。
  1. to defeat someone or something completely击溃;打垮The army was sent in to crush the rebellion.军队被派去镇压叛乱。

crushcrush2 /krʌʃ /


  1. [countable] a crush (on sb) (informal) a strong feeling of love and admiration for someone that does not usually last for a long time(对某人一时的)迷恋,热恋to have a crush on your teacher对老师的迷恋
  1. [singular] a large group of people in a small space(狭小空间中)拥挤的人群There was a crush of reporters in the lobby of the courthouse.法院前厅挤满了记者。




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