

词汇 critical
🔑criticalcrit·i·cal /ˈkrɪt̬ɪkl /


  1. critical (of sb / sth) saying what is wrong with someone or something批评的;挑剔的The report was very critical of the condition of the country's highways.这份报告严厉地批评了这个国家的公路状况。to make some critical remarks讲一些批评的话
  1. (only before a noun只用于名词前) describing the good and bad points of a play, movie, book, work of art, etc.(对戏剧、电影、书、艺术作品等)评论的,批评的a critical guide to this month's new movies对本月上映新片的评论指南
  1. dangerous or serious危急的;严重的The patient is in critical condition.患者病情危急。
  1. very important; at a time when things can suddenly become better or worse至关重要的;关键时刻的The talks between the two leaders have reached a critical stage.两位领导人的会谈已进入关键阶段。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库vitalsaying that something is necessary表示“…是必要的”的不同说法It is vital / crucial that journalists are able to verify the accuracy of their reports.新闻记者要能够核实其报道的准确性,这一点至关重要。Journalists play a critical / an essential / a vital / a crucial role in educating the public.新闻记者在教育公众方面起着极其重要的作用。The ability to write well is essential for any journalist.写作能力强对任何一个新闻记者都是非常重要的。The Internet has become an indispensable tool for reporters.互联网已经成为记者不可或缺的工具。
crit·i·cal·ly /ˈkrɪt̬ɪkli /


a critically ill patient病情危急的病人a critically important decision至关重要的决定




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