

词汇 blind
🔑blindblind1 /blaɪnd /


  1. unable to see瞎的;盲的;失明的a blind person盲人to be completely / partially blind完全/部分失明She started to go blind (= become blind) at the age of 30.她 30 岁时开始失明了。
  1. blind (to sth) not willing to notice or understand something(对某事)视而不见的,不欲理解的He was completely blind to her faults.他完全无视她的缺点。
  1. without reason or thought盲目的;说不出原因的her blind acceptance of fate她对命运的逆来顺受He drove down the freeway in a blind panic.他在莫名的恐惧中沿着高速公路开去。 blind trust / faith / obedience 盲目的信任/信仰/遵从
  1. impossible to see around or impossible to see from a certain position(从某位置)难以看见的,隐蔽的,盲区的The accident happened at a blind intersection.事故发生在有视线盲区的交叉路口。a blind corner / curve视线不良拐角/弯道
  1. the blind


    [plural] people who cannot see盲人ways of making buildings accessible to the blind能够让盲人进出建筑物的方法
turn a blind eye (to sth)to pretend not to notice something(对某事)佯装看不见,睁一只眼闭一只眼The school turned a blind eye to cheating in the classroom.学校对课堂作弊视而不见。
blind·ly /ˈblaɪndli /


blind·ness /ˈblaɪndnəs /



blindblind2 /blaɪnd /


  1. to make someone unable to see使看不见;使失明Her grandfather had been blinded in an accident (= permanently).她的祖父在一次事故中双目失明。For a minute I was blinded by the lights of the oncoming car (= for a short time).一瞬间我被迎面而来的汽车灯光刺得睁不开眼。
  1. blind sb (to sth) to prevent someone from being aware of something使失去判断力;蒙蔽Her beauty blinded him to her faults.她的美貌使他看不到她的缺点。


blind3 /blaɪnd /


[countable, usually plural]
a covering for a window that is made of many long, narrow strips of metal or plastic, or of a roll of cloth窗帘;卷帘;百叶窗to open / close the blinds打开/关上窗帘vertical blinds立式窗帘 SYN shade




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