

词汇 finance
🔑financefi·nance AW 1 /ˈfaɪnæns ; fəˈnæns /


  1. [uncountable] the management of money, especially by governments or large companies财政;金融;财务the Senate Finance Committee参议院财政委员会an expert in finance金融专家
  1. finances [plural] the money a person, company, country, etc. has available to spend(个人、公司、国家等的)财力What are our finances like right now? (= How much money do we have?) 我们目前的财务状况如何?
➨ TOPIC COLLOCATIONS 主题词搭配Business商务running a business企业经营buy / acquire / own / sell a company / firm / franchise / businessstart / start up / set up / establish / launch a business / companyrun / operate a business / company / franchiseexpand / grow / build the businessincrease / boost / maximize production / outputfinance金融draw up / agree on / have a budgetkeep to / balance / increase / cut / reduce the budgetfund / finance a project / venture / campaignprovide / raise / allocate capital / fundssuccess成功generate income / revenue / profit / businessboost / increase / maximize income / sales / profit / turnoversurvive a recession / downturnfailure失败lose business / customers / salessuffer / sustain enormous / heavy / serious lossesaccumulate / run up debts➨ TOPIC COLLOCATIONS 主题词搭配The Economy经济managing the economy管理经济boost investment / consumption / spending / employmentstimulate demand / the economy / industry / growthcut / reduce investment / spending / borrowingreduce / curb / control / keep down / fight / avoid / prevent inflationencourage / promote / stimulate innovation / competition / entrepreneurshipthe economy grows / shrinks / recovers / improveseconomic problems经济问题push (up)/drive (up) inflation / costs / pricescause / lead to / go into / avoid / escape (a) recession / a depressionface / experience / suffer a recession / downturn / financial crisiscause / create / lead to inflation / poverty / unemploymentpublic finance公共财政cut / reduce / slash / increase / double the defense / education / health care budgetincrease / boost / slash / cut public spendingincrease / raise / cut / lower / reduce taxesraise / cut / lower / reduce interest ratesbalance the state / federal / upcoming budget

🔑financefi·nance AW 2 /ˈfaɪnæns ; fəˈnæns /


(business商业) to provide the money to pay for something为…提供资金Your trip will be financed by the company.你的差旅费将由公司支付。
fi·nanc·ing AW /ˈfaɪnænsɪŋ ; fəˈnænsɪŋ /


[uncountable] to raise the necessary financing筹集必需的资金




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