

词汇 fault
🔑faultfault1 /fɔlt /


  1. [uncountable] responsibility for a mistake过失;过错“We're going to be late. “Well, it's not my fault I was ready on time.“我们要迟到了。”“嗯,那不是我的错,我早已准备好了。”It will be your own fault if you don't pass your test.如果你考试不及格,那只能怪你自己。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Mistake, error, or fault? * mistake、error 还是 fault?Error is more formal than mistake. * error 比 mistake 正式Please accept my apologies. I opened your letter in error.请接受我的道歉,我误拆了你的信。I'm sorry. I opened your letter by mistake.对不起,我误拆了你的信。There are some expressions where only error can be used.有些表达方式只能用 erroran error of judgment判断错误human error人为的错误a computer error电脑出错Fault indicates who is responsible for something bad. * fault 牵涉谁要为坏事负责的问题The accident wasn't my fault. The other driver pulled out in front of me.事故不是我的过错,是另一个司机突然把车开到我的前面。Fault is also used to describe a problem or weakness that someone or something has. * fault 也可以指某人或某物的问题或缺点a technical fault技术故障
  1. [countable] something wrong or not perfect in a person's character or in a thing缺点;弱点;缺陷;故障One of my faults is that I'm always late.我的缺点之一是老迟到。a fault in the car's brakes汽车刹车故障
  1. [countable] (geography地理) a place where there is a break in the layers of rock in the earth's surface, and the rocks on either side have moved in opposite directions(地壳岩层的)断层earthquakes near the San Andreas fault圣安德烈亚斯断层附近的地震
be at faultto be wrong or responsible for a mistake有过错;(对错误)负有责任The other driver was at fault he didn't stop at the traffic light.另外那个司机负有责任,他在信号灯处没有停车。find fault (with sb / sth)to look for things that are wrong with someone or something and complain about them找碴儿;挑错;挑剔

faultfault2 /fɔlt /


to find something wrong with someone or something发现…的错误;找出…的缺点It was impossible to fault her English.她的英语无可挑剔。




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