

词汇 cell phone
🔑cell phoneˌcell ˈphone / / ( ˌcellular ˈphone) ( informal cell)


a telephone that you can carry around with you and use anywhere移动电话;手机I talked to her on my cell phone.我用手机跟她通了话。cell phone users手机用户➨ TOPIC COLLOCATIONS 主题词搭配Phones电话telephones电话the phone / telephone ringsanswer / pick up the phone / telephonecall from / use a landline / cell phonethe line is busyget / hear a dial tone / a busy signal / a (call waiting) beep / a clickmaking and receiving calls打电话和接电话dial a(n) (phone / extension / wrong) number / an area codecall someone / talk (with / to someone)/speak (with / to someone) on the phone / telephonemake / get / receive a phone callput someone through / get through to someonebe put on hold / stay on the line (= you must wait for the person you want to speak with) cell phones手机be / talk on a cell phone/(informal) celluse / answer / call (someone on)/get a message on your (cell) phoneturn on / turn off your (cell) phonecharge (up)/recharge your (cell) phone / batterya (cell) phone is (turned) on / is (turned) off / rings / goes offsend / receive / get a text (message)/a fax




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