

词汇 apart from
🔑apart fromaˈpart from / / ( aˈside from)


  1. except for除…外;除了I'm done with my homework, apart from some reading we have to do.除了我们必做的一些阅读外,家庭作业我都做完了。There's no one here apart from me.这里除了我没别人。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库exceptmaking an exception谈论例外的情况Leslie wrote all of the songs on the album except for the final track.专辑中所有的歌都是莱斯利写的,除了最后一首。Apart from / Aside from the final track, all of the songs on the album were written by Leslie.除了最后一首,专辑里的歌全是莱斯利写的。With the exception of the title track, this album is a major disappointment.除了专辑的同名歌曲还算不错,这张专辑令人非常失望。Here is a list of the band's previous CD's, excluding those recorded live in concert.这是这支乐队过去发行的唱片清单,不包括音乐会现场录制的唱片。
  1. as well as; in addition to除…外(还);此外;加之Apart from their penthouse in New York City, they have a house in Florida.除了纽约市的顶层豪宅之外,他们在佛罗里达还有一栋房子。




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