

词汇 divide
🔑dividedi·vide1 /dəˈvaɪd /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] divide (sth) (up) (into sth) to separate into different parts分成;分开;分裂The egg divides into two cells.卵子分裂成两个细胞。a book divided into ten sections分为十个章节的书The house was divided into apartments.这房子划分为多个公寓。
  1. [transitive] divide sth (up) (between / among sb) to separate something into parts and give a share to each of a number of people分摊;分享;分配The robbers divided the money among themselves.劫匪把那笔钱瓜分了。When he died, his property was divided up among his children.他死后,财产分给了子女。
  1. [transitive] divide sth (between A and B) to use different parts or amounts of something for different purposes(在两者之间)分配;把…分别用于They divide their time between their two homes.他们在两处住所各住一段时间。
  1. [transitive] to separate two places by being a line or area between them是…的分界线;将…隔开;把…分开The Charles River divides Boston from Cambridge.查尔斯河把波士顿和剑桥分隔开来。
cause disagreement引起分歧
  1. [transitive] to cause people to disagree使产生分歧;使意见不一致The question of immigration has divided the country.移民问题在国民间引起了分歧。
  1. [transitive] divide sth by sth (mathematics数学) to calculate how many times a number will go into another number10 divided by 5 is 2.10 除以 5 等于 2。

dividedi·vide2 /dəˈvaɪd /


[countable, usually singular] a divide (between A and B)
a difference between two groups of people that separates them from each other分歧;差异the divide between the rich and the poor贫富差异




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