

词汇 easy
🔑easyeas·y1 /ˈizi /


(eas·i·er, eas·i·est)
  1. not difficult容易的;轻易的an easy question容易的问题It isn't easy to explain the system.要说明这个体系不容易。The system isn't easy to explain.这个体系不容易说明。 OPP hard
  1. without any pain, trouble, or worry舒适的;安逸的;放心的an easy drive to work轻轻松松地开车上班Life's easy when you have plenty of money.要是钱够,生活可以过得很舒适。
 noun, verb ease

easyeas·y2 /ˈizi /


(eas·i·er, eas·i·est)
easier said than donemore difficult to do than to talk about说时容易做时难“You should get her to help you. “That's easier said than done.“你应该找她帮帮你。”“说得倒容易。”easy does it (informal) used to tell someone to do something, or move something, slowly and carefully慢点;轻点;小心些go easy on sb / sth (informal)
  1. to be gentle or less strict with someone对某人温和(或宽容)一些Go easy on him; he's just a child.对他宽容点,他还是个孩子。
  1. to avoid using too much of something少用些;省着点Go easy on the salt; it's bad for your heart.少吃点盐,盐对心脏不好。
over easy(used about eggs) fried on one side, then turned over and fried for a short time on the other side(蛋)两面煎而蛋黄半熟的I'll have two eggs over easy and a cup of coffee, please.请给我来两个嫩煎蛋和一杯咖啡。take it / things easy (informal) to relax and not work too hard or worry too much放松点;别过分劳累;别太担心My doctor advised me to take it easy for a while.我的医生建议我放松一段时间。




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