

词汇 ear
🔑earear /ɪr /


  1. [countable] one of the two parts of the body of a person or an animal that are used for hearing耳;耳朵Elephants have large ears.大象有大大的耳朵。He pulled his hat down over his ears.他把帽子拉下来罩住耳朵。Whisper in my ear!小声告诉我!
  1. [singular] an ear (for sth) (English language arts英语语言文学) an ability to recognize or appreciate sounds, especially in music or language(尤指音乐或语言方面的)听力,辨音能力,欣赏力an ear for music音乐鉴赏力
  1. [countable] the top part of a plant that produces grain(谷类植物的)穗an ear of corn一根玉米
be all ears (informal) to be waiting with interest to hear what someone has to say全神贯注地听;聚精会神地听“Do you know what he said? “Go ahead I'm all ears!“你知道他说什么了吗?”“说吧,我洗耳恭听!”be up to your ears / eyes / neck in sth (informal) to have more of something than you can easily do or manage深陷于;忙于应付I can't go out tonight I'm up to my eyes in work.我今晚出不去。我的工作忙得不可开交。go in one ear and out the other (informal) (used about information, etc.) to be forgotten quickly(信息等)一只耳朵进另一只耳朵出,当作耳边风Everything I tell my students goes in one ear and out the other.我对学生讲的一切全被他们当作耳边风了。play (sth) by ear (music音乐) to play a piece of music, etc. from memory and without using written notes凭记忆演奏;不看乐谱演奏play it by ear (informal) to decide what to do as things happen, instead of planning in advance随机应变;见机行事wet behind the ears (informal) young and without much experience年轻没经验的;乳臭未干的  look at naive




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