

词汇 duty
🔑dutydu·ty /ˈdut̬i /


(plural du·ties)
  1. [countable, uncountable] something that you have to do because people expect you to do it or because you think it is right责任;义务;本分duties as a parent作为父母的责任a sense of moral duty道德责任感It's your duty to take care of your parents when they get older.父母年老时照顾他们是应尽的责任。
  1. [countable, uncountable] the tasks that you do when you are at work职责;任务the duties of a police officer警察的职责Colonel Hamilton is retired from active military duty.汉密尔顿上校现已退役。
  1. [countable] a tax that you pay, especially on goods that you bring into a country税;(尤指)关税duties on alcohol and tobacco烟酒税
on / off duty(used about doctors, nurses, police officers, etc.) to be working or not working(医护人员、警察等)值(或下)班,值(或不值)勤Sergeant Smith is on duty from 8 to 4.史密斯警长 8 点到 4 点值班。What time does she go off duty?她什么时候下班?  look at heavy-duty




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