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词汇 demonstrate
🔑demonstratedem·on·strate AW /ˈdɛmənstreɪt /


  1. [transitive] to show clearly that something exists or is true; to prove something证明;说明;证实The prison escape demonstrates the need for greater security.这起越狱事件表明需要加强安保。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库conclusionsumming up an argument总结论点In conclusion / To sum up, the study provides useful information on how people feel about crime.综上所述,本研究为人们如何看待犯罪这一问题提供了有用的信息。This study shows / demonstrates that people's fear of crime is out of proportion to actual crime levels.本研究表明,人们对犯罪活动的恐惧程度要高于实际犯罪的严重程度。People's fear of crime is out of proportion to actual crime levels. The reasons for this can be summarized as follows. First…人们对犯罪活动的恐惧程度要高于实际犯罪的严重程度,其原因可归结为以下几点。第一,…Overall / In general, women are more likely than men to feel unsafe walking alone after dark.一般情况下,天黑后一个人走在路上,女人比男人更容易感到不安全。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库evidencegiving proof提供证据Recent research demonstrates that TV advertising influences what children buy.新近的研究表明,电视广告对儿童选择购买什么商品会产生影响。Many parents think that TV advertising influences their children. This view is supported by the findings of a recent study, which shows a clear link between TV advertisements and children's spending habits.许多家长认为电视广告会影响他们的孩子,这一观点得到了一项新近研究结果的支持。该研究显示出电视广告和儿童消费习惯之间有明显的关联。These results contradict claims that advertising does not affect children's spending habits.这些研究结果与广告不会影响儿童消费习惯的说法相悖。The findings also reveal/(seem to) suggest that most children are not aware of the true purpose of advertising.这些研究结果也显示出/(似乎)表明多数儿童并不明白广告的真正意图。
  1. [transitive] to show and explain to someone how to do something or how something works演示;示范The crew demonstrated the use of lifejackets just before takeoff.机组人员在即将起飞前示范了救生衣的使用方法。
  1. [intransitive] demonstrate (against / for sb / sth) (politics政治) to take part in a public meeting or march, usually as a protest or to show support for something集会示威;示威游行Enormous crowds have been demonstrating for human rights.大批群众为争取人权一直在游行示威。




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