

词汇 file
🔑filefile AW 1 /faɪl /


  1. a collection of papers or information kept in a box or a cover文件;档案;案卷Which file is that letter in?那封信在哪个档案里?
  1. (computing计算机) a collection of information or material on one subject that is stored in a computer(计算机的)文件,文档to open / close a file打开/关闭文档
  1. a metal tool with a rough surface that is used for making rough surfaces smooth锉;锉刀a nail file指甲锉
(in) single filein a line, one behind the other一路纵队;单行You'll have to walk (in) single file the path is very narrow.路非常窄,你们得一个跟一个地走。on filekept in a file存档We have all the information you need on file.你需要的所有信息我们都有。the rank and filethe ordinary members of an organization普通成员

filefile AW 2 /faɪl /


  1. [transitive] file sth (away) to put something in a file把…归档(或存档)File these letters under “Job Applications.把这些信件归入“求职”文档。
  1. [transitive] to send a form, report, etc. to a place where it is officially recorded提起(诉讼);提出(申请);送交(备案)to file criminal charges against someone对某人提起刑事诉讼Your income tax return must be filed in April.你的所得税申报单必须在四月份提交。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to use a file to cut something or make something smooth锉;锉平to file your fingernails锉指甲
  1. [intransitive] file in, out, past, etc. to walk or march in a line排成一列行进
file suit (against sb)to send an official document to a court of law, saying that you intend to ask for money from someone because he / she did something bad to you or said something bad about you提出索赔She filed suit against her former employer for discrimination.她因受到歧视向前任雇主提出索赔。




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