

词汇 credit
🔑creditcred·it AW 1 /ˈkrɛdət /


buy now – pay later赊购
  1. [uncountable] (business商业) a way of buying goods or services and not paying for them until later赊购;赊欠;赊账I bought the television on credit.我赊账买了这台电视机。interest-free credit (= payment over a period of time without any extra charges) 免息赊购
money borrowed借款
  1. [countable, uncountable] (business商业) a sum of money that a bank, etc. lends to someone(银行等借出的)借款,贷款The company was not able to get any further credit and went bankrupt.该公司无法再获得贷款,结果破产了。
money in bank银行存款
  1. [countable] (business商业) a sum of money paid into a bank or other account(付入银行或其他账户的)存款金额,贷记A credit of $65 will be added to your account.65 美元的存款金额会加到你的账户里。 OPP debit
  1. [uncountable] an act of saying that someone has done something well赞扬;表扬;称赞He got all the credit for the success of the project.项目取得成功,功劳全归了他。She didn't do very well, but at least give her credit for trying.她干得是不太好,但至少要对她的努力给予表扬。I can't take any credit the others did all the work.我不能揽一点功,所有的活儿都是别人干的。
  1. [singular] a credit to sb / sth a person or thing that you should be proud of让…引以为荣的人(或事物)She is a wonderful girl and a credit to her school.她是个优秀的女孩,是学校的光荣。
on movie / TV program影视节目
  1. the credits [plural] the list of the names of the people who made a movie or TV program, shown at the beginning or end of the movie(电影或电视节目)演职人员名单
unit of study学分
  1. [countable] a unit of study at a school, college, or university学分My math class is worth three credits.我的数学课算三个学分。108 credits are required for graduation.修满 108 个学分方可毕业。
(be) to sb's creditused for showing that you approve of something that someone has done, although you have criticized something else值得称许的是,值得肯定(批评过某人的一个行为后对其另一行为表示肯定)The company, to its credit, apologized and refunded my money.那家公司还算不错,向我道了歉,并退还了我的钱。have sth to your creditto have finished something that is successful(成功)完成,取得She has three best-selling novels to her credit.她已经著有三部畅销小说。

creditcred·it AW 2 /ˈkrɛdət /


  1. (business商业) to record that money has been added to an account将…存入银行账户;把…记入贷方;贷记Has the money been credited to my account yet?钱存入我的账户了吗? OPP debit
  1. credit sb / sth for / with sth to accept or believe that someone or something has a particular quality or is responsible for something认为…具备(某种品质);把…归功于Rap artists are credited with making people aware of the problems in inner cities.让人们意识到内城区的问题,这要归功于说唱歌手。
  1. credit sth to sth to say or believe that something is the result of something把…归因于She credited her success to a lot of hard work.她把自己的成功归因于勤奋努力工作。




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