

词汇 amusing
🔑amusinga·mus·ing /əˈmyuzɪŋ /


causing you to laugh or smile逗人笑的;好笑的;有趣的an amusing story逗笑的故事➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析funnyamusing ◇ entertaining ◇ witty ◇ humorous ◇ hilariousThese words all describe someone or something that makes you laugh or smile.以上词均表示好笑的、滑稽的。funnythat makes you laugh好笑的;滑稽的a funny movie滑稽电影She was a very funny lady.她是个很逗的女士。amusing(used about events, activities, occasions, and people) funny and enjoyable(事件、活动、场合和人)好笑的,有趣的It's a very amusing game to play.这种游戏玩起来非常有趣。an amusing party / evening开心的聚会/晚会entertainingamusing and interesting有趣的;有意思的;令人愉快的It was a very entertaining evening.那天晚上过得非常开心。an entertaining show / performance富娱乐性的演出/表演wittysmart and amusing; able to say or write smart and amusing things机智的;妙趣横生的;言辞诙谐的a witty remark巧妙的言辞a witty public speaker在公开讲话中言辞幽默的演讲者The play has a lot of witty dialogue.那部戏里有许多妙趣横生的对话。humorousfunny and entertaining; showing a sense of humor滑稽有趣的;有幽默感的a humorous look at the world of fashion对时尚界颇为幽默的审视hilariousextremely funny极其滑稽的;令人捧腹的There are a couple of hilarious moments in the movie.这部电影里有几个极为好笑的场景。PATTERNS 句型a(n) funny / amusing / entertaining / witty / humorous storya(n) funny / amusing / entertaining / witty / humorous speecha(n) funny / entertaining / witty / humorous writera(n) funny / amusing / hilarious joketo find sth funny / amusing / entertaining / witty / humorous / hilarious




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