

词汇 among
🔑amonga·mong /əˈmʌŋ / ( a·mongst /əˈmʌŋst /)


  1. surrounded by; in the middle of在…周围;在…中间I often feel nervous when I'm among strangers.和陌生人相处我常常感到紧张。I found the missing letter among a heap of old newspapers.我在一堆旧报纸当中找到了那封丢失的信。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Between or among? * between 还是 among?Between is usually used to talk about two people or things. * between 通常用于指两个人或两件事物She was sitting between her mom and dad.她当时正坐在爸妈中间。between the ages of 12 and 14 * 12 岁至 14 岁之间Among is used for more than two people or things, especially when they are considered as a group rather than as individuals. * among 用于指超过两个的人或事物,尤其是当所指的人或事物被视为一个群体而非个体时You're among friends here.这儿都是你的朋友。
  1. in or concerning a particular group of people or things在(群体)中间;…之一She is among the town's wealthiest residents.她是镇上最富有的居民之一。Among the city's attractions are a number of important museums.该市的景点包括几座重要的博物馆。Discuss it amongst yourselves and let me know your decision.你们自己讨论一下,然后告诉我你们的决定。
  1. to each one (of a group)在…中(分配)On his death, his money will be divided among his children.他死后财产将分给子女。




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