

词汇 catch
🔑catchcatch1 /kætʃ /


(past tense, past participle caught /kɔt /)
  1. [transitive] to take hold of something that is moving, usually with your hand or hands抓住;接住;截住She threw the ball and he caught it in one hand.她把球投出去,他单手把它接住了。The dog caught the ball in its mouth.狗衔住了球。
  1. [transitive] to capture someone or something that you have been chasing or looking for逮住;捕捉;捕获Two police officers ran after the thief and caught him at the end of the street.两名警察紧追在小偷后面,在街尾抓住了他。The murderer still hasn't been caught.杀人犯还没有被抓到。to catch a fish捕鱼
someone doing something某人正在做某事
  1. [transitive] to discover someone who is doing something bad当场发现;撞见I caught her taking money from my purse.我发现她正从我钱包里拿钱。
be in time及时
  1. [transitive] to be in time for something; not to miss someone or something及时赶上;没有错过We arrived just in time to catch the beginning of the movie.我们正好赶上电影开演。I'll call her now. I might just catch her before she leaves the office.我现在给她打电话,没准能赶在她离开办公室之前找到她。 OPP miss
bus / train / plane公共汽车;火车;飞机
  1. [transitive] to get on a form of public transportation赶上(公共交通工具)I caught the bus downtown.我赶上了去市区的公共汽车。to catch a train / plane赶火车;赶飞机 OPP miss
hear / understand听见;理解
  1. [transitive] to hear or understand something that someone says听见;理解Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said. Could you say it again?对不起,我没听清楚您的话,您能再说一遍吗?
  1. [transitive] (health医疗保健) to get an illness得(病);染(疾)I have a bad cold. I must have caught it from someone at work.我得了重感冒,一定是上班的时候被谁传染的。to catch a cold 得感冒
become stuck卡住
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to become or cause something to become accidentally attached to or trapped in something(使)卡住,绊住,缠住His jacket caught on a nail.他的夹克被钉子钩住了。I caught my finger in the drawer as I shut it.我关抽屉的时候夹了手指头。I'm sorry I'm late. I got caught in traffic.对不起,我迟到了,我碰上了堵车。
catch sb's attention / eyeto make someone notice something引起某人的注意I tried to catch his attention, but he didn't see me.我想引起他的注意,但他没看到我。catch your breathto rest after physical exercise so that your breathing returns to normal(运动后)喘口气I just need a minute to catch my breath.我需要一点儿时间喘口气。catch fireto start burning, often accidentally(常指意外)着火,起火No one knows how the building caught fire.没有人知道大楼是怎么起火的。catch sb off guardto surprise and often confuse someone because he / she is not prepared给(某人)突然袭击;使(某人)措手不及The question caught me off guard and I didn't know what to say.那个问题让我措手不及,我不知道该说什么。catch sb red-handed / in the actto find someone just as he / she is doing something wrong当场抓住;把(某人)抓个正着A police officer noticed the broken window and caught the burglars red-handed.警察注意到打破的窗户,把那些窃贼抓了个正着。catch sight / a glimpse of sb / sthto see someone or something for a moment瞥见;看一眼I caught sight of the man at the end of the street.我一眼瞥见街尽头的那个男人。We waited outside the theater, hoping to catch a glimpse of the actress.我们在剧院外等候,希望能看一眼那个女演员。 catch on (informal)
  1. to understand or realize something理解;意识到Sometimes she's a little slow to catch on.有时候她反应有点慢。
  1. to become popular or fashionable受欢迎;流行起来;变得时髦The idea never really caught on in this country.这种观点在这个国家从未真正时兴过。
catch up (with sb)
  1. to reach someone or something who is ahead of you追上;赶上Jackie was walking very fast and I had to run to catch up with her.杰姬走得很快,我得跑步才能赶上她。
  1. to reach the same level as someone or something else赶上,达到(某水平)Our economy is developing fast and we should soon catch up with other countries in the western world.我们的经济发展很快,应该可以很快赶上西方国家的水平。
catch up on sthto spend time doing something that you have not been able to do until now补上;赶做I'll have to go into the office this weekend to catch up on my work.我这周末得去办公室把落下的工作补上。be / get caught up in sthto be or get involved in something, usually without intending to(通常指无意中)卷入,陷入I got caught up in all the excitement about the championship game.我不由自主地沉浸在激动人心的冠军赛中。

catchcatch2 /kætʃ /


  1. an act of taking hold of something that is moving, usually with your hand or hands抓住;接住Manning made a great catch in the end zone to win the game.曼宁在端区漂亮地接了一记球,赢了比赛。
  1. the amount of fish that someone has caught渔获量The fishermen brought their catch to the harbor.渔民将捕到的鱼运进港口。
  1. a device for fastening something and keeping it closed扣件;固定(或锁合)装置The catch on my necklace is broken.我的项链扣环断了。
  1. a hidden disadvantage to something that seems attractive陷阱;圈套I can't believe you're selling that for such a low price what's the catch?我没法相信你要以这么低的价格出售那东西,你在搞什么鬼?
(a) Catch-22a Catch-22 situationa difficult situation from which there is no escape because you need to do one thing before doing a second, but you need to do the second thing before you can do the first第 22 条军规;进退维谷的局面I can't get a job because I don't have any work experience, but how can I get work experience without getting a job? It's a Catch-22.因为我没有任何工作经验,所以找不到工作;可是没有工作我如何获取工作经验?这真是左右为难。




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