

词汇 comparison
🔑comparisoncom·par·i·son /kəmˈpærəsn /


[countable, uncountable]
an act of comparing; a statement in which people or things are compared比较;对比Put the new one and the old one side by side for comparison.把新的和旧的放在一起做比较。A comparison of this year's figures with last year's shows that the economy is improving.把今年的数据和去年的相比,可以看出经济在好转。It's hard to make comparisons between Jason's painting and Catherine's because he's been learning so much longer.很难把贾森和凯瑟琳的绘画相提并论,因为贾森学画的时间长多了。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库similarlymaking comparisons进行比较This chart provides a comparison of the ways that teenage boys and girls spend their free time.这张图对十几岁的男孩和女孩的休闲方式进行了比照。In many cases, the results for boys and girls are virtually identical / the same.在很多方面,男孩和女孩的情况几乎是一模一样的。In many cases, the results for boys are nearly identical to / the same as those for girls.在很多方面,男孩的情况几乎与女孩的一模一样。The girls enjoy using social networking websites. Similarly, nearly all of the boys said that they spent at least two hours a week on such sites.女孩喜欢上社交网站。同样,几乎所有男孩都说他们一个星期至少花两个小时访问这些网站。by / in comparison (to / with sb / sth)when compared(与…)相比较When she told me about her problems, I realized that mine were small by comparison.当她跟我谈起她的问题时,我才意识到相比之下我的问题算小的。He's pretty tall in comparison to some of the older boys.和有些年龄比他大的男孩子比起来,他的个子都挺高的。draw a comparison / a parallelto show how two things compare or are similar对比;比较The program drew an interesting comparison between education in Japan and in North America.这个节目对日本和北美的教育进行了有趣的比较。




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