

词汇 commit
🔑commitcom·mit AW /kəˈmɪt /


[transitive] (com·mit·ting, com·mit·ted)
  1. to do something bad or illegal做(不好或非法的事);犯(错或罪)to commit a crime犯罪After years of mental illness, Frank committed suicide.患精神病数年之后,弗兰克自杀了。➨ TOPIC COLLOCATIONS 主题词搭配Crime犯罪committing a crime犯罪commit a crime / a murder / an offense / an armed robbery / fraudsteal someone's wallet / purse / credit card number / cell phonerob a bank / a person / a touristbreak into / burglarize a house / an apartment / an office / a warehousesmuggle drugs / weapons / arms / immigrantsforge a document / a certificate / a passport / a signaturefighting crime打击犯罪combat / fight crime / terrorism / corruption / drug traffickingprevent / stop credit card fraud / child abuse / software piracydeter / stop criminals / burglars / thieves / shoplifters / vandalsreduce / tackle / crack down on gun / violent / street crimehelp / support / protect the victims of crimeinvestigating a crime调查犯罪活动report / witness / investigate a crime / a theft / an attack / an incidentinvestigate / reopen / solve / close a criminal / murder casecollect / gather forensic evidenceuncover new evidence / a fraud / a scam / a plot / a conspiracy / political corruptiondescribe / identify a suspect / the culprit / the attackerquestion / interrogate a suspect / witness
  1. (formal) to send someone to a prison, mental hospital, etc.把(某人)送进(监狱、精神病院等)He was committed to a psychiatric hospital for five years.他被送到一家精神病院待了五年。
  1. commit sb / yourself (to sth / to doing sth) to promise to do something承诺;许诺;保证I can't commit myself to helping you tomorrow. I'm still not sure if I will be free.我现在不能保证明天能帮你,我还不确定是否有空。
  1. to decide to use something for a particular purpose拨出;划拨We've already committed over $4 million to the project.我们已经给这个项目划拨了 400 多万美元。
  1. commit yourself (on sth) to say openly what you think or believe公开表态When asked for her opinion, she refused to commit herself.问到她的意见时,她拒绝公开表态。  look at noncommittal




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